{{ partial:registration vrn="{{ title }}" price="{{ price }}" slug="{{ url}}" }}
Registration: |
{{ title }} |
Price: |
£ {{ price format_number="2"}} |
{{ if vat }}
VAT: |
£ {{ vat format_number="2"}} |
{{ /if }}
DoT Transfer Fee: |
£ {{ dot format_number="2"}} |
Total: |
£ {{ total_price format_number="2" }} |
{{ if date_issued }}
This registration can only be assigned to a vehicle which was
registered as new on or after {{ date_issued }}
{{ /if }}
{{ if enquiryOnly }}
{{ partial:enquiry vrn="{{ title }}" price="{{ price }}" title="no" slug="{{ url}}" }}
{{ /if }}
{{ content }}
{{ if !enquiryOnly }}
{{ /if }}
{{ registration_detail:standard_content }}